Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Coloring Reactions of Presidents to Briefings with a Brand of 'Shock and Awe'

RJ Eskow's Halloween '08 article, 100 Million Suspects, details the motivation for McCain/Palin's frantic fear-mongering.
"One candidate represents collaboration, optimism... and yes, "change." The other represents fear and greed, and his campaign reflects the lower-order impulses that have guided his party and given it success. ***They've triggered fear in us so effectively for so long that they can't believe it's not working this time. They're still frantically sending memo after memo to our lizard brains: Khalidi, Ayers, redistribution... be afraid! And the more this old strategem fails, the harder they try."*** (emphasis added)

But how much change does Obama really represent? How much influence will be given those who "work the 'dark side,' if you will," as Cheney chillingly said? Is that even an option--are they already out of our control? I say, the answer is a resounding "duh!"

The national security state is out of our control by definition.

We cannot abide this state-within-a-state, not if we want to determine our path forward for ourselves. Isn't this what the Revolution was all about, the definition of our true nature: subjects of an absolute divine-right monarch? or sovereign citizens of a democratic republic?

Are we machines, controlled and programmed and forced into order by external masters? or are we sharing Being aware of our shared Becoming ***from within***?

In our answering, right here and now, lies our fate.

My obsession is with the hidden influences of the National Security Administration. As I said in the second post on this thread, Naomi Klein and John Perkins forever changed how I see the actions of our government (presuming you're a fellow American).

Clinton was far too Centrist, in that sense, for me; far too identified with hidden powers that I believe are anathema to wholesome governance. When representatives of a democrat republic withhold from us, the sovereign citizens, the truth of our current moment, as conditioned by our past actions and their effects ("blowback" is a better explanation for 'why we're hated' than Bush's propaganda), we are robbed of our sovereignty.

How are we supposed to govern ourselves, if we don't know who or where we are?

The absence of the NSA from our publicly shared narrative is the single greatest threat we face. What about Philip Agee's book, CIA Diary (an autographed copy of which I have in my hand)? On the cover is a photo of the bugged typewriter he was given by his bosses at the CIA.

Who were the State Department and NSA "super-delegates" on Obama's campaign? Nobody gets into the White House without some help from hidden hands.

Let's face it, America: we are being treated like subjects of experiments in the manufacture of consent. What have the APA members at Gitmo ***really*** been up to?

Hacking human psyches as if they were mere machines, that's what.

Ray McGovern's recent article is extremely instructive.

I'd love to know what he means right here: "the particular brand of 'shock and awe' that can be induced by ostensibly sexy intelligence to color reactions of briefees, including presidents. I have seen it happen."

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