Monday, November 3, 2008

Palin Never Held a Single Press Conference, Reneged on Release of Medical Records


WASHINGTON — Sarah Palin is in excellent health with no known health issues that would interfere with her ability to perform the duties of vice president if she and Republican John McCain are elected Tuesday, her family doctor says.

McCain's campaign released a summary of Palin's medical history Monday night.

Palin had promised several weeks ago to release the information, following similar releases by McCain, and Democrats Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

In a two-page letter, Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, Palin's personal family physician in Alaska since 1997, said Palin has only been hospitalized for childbirth.

The Alaska governor is a 44-year-old mother of five. Son Trig, born earlier this year, has Down syndrome.

Palin had a breast biopsy in 1992 for what turned out to be a benign lesion. Her vital signs, including blood pressure and pulse, have been normal, the summary said.

Baldwin-Johnson said Palin has no close relatives with major health problems.

Palin also takes no routine prescription medications and exercises regularly.

"In summary, Gov. Palin is in excellent health and has no known health problems that would interfere with her ability to carry out the duties and obligations of vice president of the United States of America," the doctor said.

From Karen Russell on HuffPo

Palin: No Press Conference, No Medical Records, No Surprise

Sarah Palin hasn't had a press conference or released her medical records. I'm not surprised.

The McCain/Palin camp telegraphed that Palin wouldn't have a press conference. Back in early September, McCain's Head Mudslinger Rick Davis said Palin wouldn't take tough questions from reporters "until the point in time when she'll be treated with respect and deference."

Winking, Blinking And Nod

Given Palin's interviews to date, I can't imagine any non-Fox reporter giving her adequate "deference" when it comes to asking her about: Troopergate, the road to nowhere, the VP's job description, Ted Stevens, her wardrobe, going rogue, pallin' around with First Dude and Secessionist Todd , Putin rearing his head, her witch-doctor pastor, being a drag on the ticket, etc.

Her Katie Couric interview was the beginning of the end.The McCain team just can't afford to have Palin answer any pesky follow-up questions, only to have her look like a deer in headlights, asking "In what respect, Charlie?"

I think McCain will always be haunted by his impulsive pick of the unqualified and unvetted Palin. Especially if he loses. Oh well. They'll always have St. Paul.

It would be nice if the media highlighted these omissions in the next 24 hours and held Palin accountable for agreeing to release her medical records, not releasing them and not having a press conference. Sigh...

Palin said she didn't blink when McCain asked her to be VP. People blink when they lie. Palin blinked a lot when Brian Williams asked to about releasing her medical records. Palin was for releasing them before she was against it.

Palin's been winking and blinking a lot on the campaign trail. Luckily, voters won't be giving her and McCain the nod - if we turn out our vote. It's in our hands now.

From The Washington Monthly
It seemed, for a while, that ABC News and Andrew Sullivan were the only ones obsessing over Sarah Palin's still-elusive medical records, but this morning, CNN picked up on the story.

With less than 24 hours to go before the presidential election, Sarah Palin still has not released her medical records and there is no indication the campaign is planning to do so.

Two weeks ago, Palin's campaign told several reporters traveling with the campaign that a summary of the governor's medical history would be made public before election day.

Reporters were told that details on Palin's medical background would be released early last week. Last Thursday, after that timeframe had passed, a campaign aide backed off the previous pledge, saying the campaign wasn't sure when the information would be released.

John McCain, Barack Obama and Joseph Biden have all provided details about their medical history.

I wouldn't be inclined to care, if Palin weren't acting so strangely about the issue. Of the four candidates for national office, not only Palin the only one who refuses to release any of her medical records, but as of a few weeks ago, her spokesperson said Palin wouldn't even answer questions on the subject.

Two weeks ago, though, Palin told a national television audience she would placate "some curiosity seekers" and release her records to the media. When reporters followed up, Palin and her aides stalled.

About a week ago, Palin spokeswoman Tracey Schmitt promised that the records would be released "sooner than later." The election, of course, is tomorrow. If the materials were going to be released, I thought late Friday night would have been the predictable time. But even that tactical time has come and gone.

Even if there were some logistical delays, such as having materials mailed in from Alaska, it doesn't take two weeks to get some records together. So, what happened?

The more the campaign has stonewalled on this, the more suspicious it seems.

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